is theeffortoftheEuropeanapartners to puttheirculturalcontent on the one singlegeographicalknowledge map wheningestingtheirmetadata to Europeana. TheeCultureMapcurrentlydisplays
more than 2 millions
objectsfromseveralEuropeanaprojects as are Athena, Carare, LinkedHeritage, AthenaPlus,
PartagePlus andothers.
- to movethe map presseitherleft or middlemousebuttonwhileoverthe map and drag; - to changethemagnificationusethemousescrollwheel or themagnificationtool on therightsidebar;
youcanalsohold a shift keywhiledrawing
a rectanglewiththeleftmousebutton to zoom-in;
- to identifyfeaturesusetheleftmousebuttonandclick on them, thenselectthethumbnail to connect to Europeana meta data.
Filteringtheheritage on the map according to term. Whenmultilingualoption is checked enter the term in Englishand it willbeautomaticallytranslatedintootherlanguages.
A toolforplanningtheculturalroute. Clickthepoints
on the map andendtheroutebydouble-click.
Selecting base layers: GooglePhysical Satellite Streets Hybrid
Thumbnail links
Click on the upper
part of the thumbnail links to a description of
the object in national context.
Click on the lower
part of the thumbnail links to a description of
the object in Europeana.
Thetoolcouldbeefficiently used also on mobiledeviceswithadditionallocationalandnavigationfeatures.ThefirstversionoftheeCultureMaphasbeendevelopedwithinCarareproject.